National Nutrition Week Celebration/ Guest Lecture on 06/09/2019

Dept. of Food Science & Nutrition organized guest lecture on Anthropometric Measurement Assessment Interpretation & Calculation of Nutrient Requirement. Resource person explained different types & techniques of assessment in adults. She focused on 4 different types of assessment methods namely anthropometric, biochemical [laboratory], clinical & dietary. She explained the use of various equipment like skin fold caliper, body fat analyzer, etc. for assessing the different parameters. Practical demonstration for mid upper arm circumference measurement was very informative. She also explained the analysis of collected data by using various formulas like body mass index [BMI], Broka’s index particularly for body weight parameter.

Lecture was followed by question answer session.


National Nutrition Week Celebration/ Low Cost Recipe Demonstration for Anemia Control on 04/09/2019

Dept. of Food Science & Nutrition in Collaboration with ICDS & Krishi Vidnyan Kendra, organized Low Cost Recipe Demonstration at Vadholi village at Trimbakeshwar in Collaboration with ICDS & Krishi Vidnyan Kendra. The demonstration were based on one of the Panchasutra for Nutrition Week, Anemia Control. TYBSc students gave the demonstration on various Iron Rich Recipes Like Drumstick Parathas, Masoor Mint Tikkis, Egg Poha, Cauliflower Green Muthia, Cauliflower Green Pithala, Garden Cress Seed Kheer. Besides this the students also displayed the following recipes like Bajra Khichadi, Dal Soup, Ragi Bajra Khakara, Cauliflower green Sabzi, Mong Sprout Dhokala, Ragi Pancake. The charts depicting Iron rich sources & factors favoring iron absorption were also displayed. Through this activity the students tried to create awareness regarding prevention of anemia by using Low Cost Iron Rich Sources thus emphasizing the importance of iron particularly for adolescents girls & adult women. Three prizes were given for the best Iron Rich Recipes. Students also explained the ingredients required, cooking procedure to the audience in a simple local language. It was a good community reach out program of the department.





National Nutrition Week Celebration/ Guest Lecture on 03/09/2019

Dept. of Food Science & Nutrition organized guest lecture for thyroid disorders by renowned Endocrinologists of Nashik, Dr. Yashpal Gogate. In his discourse he explained the thyroid disorder like hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism & goiter. He explained each disorder in reference to its physiology, pathophysiology, sign & symptoms & role of medical nutrition therapy in a simplified language. He also focused on goitrogen containing foods, use of iodized salt in relation to thyroid disorders.

Lecture was followed by question answers interactive session with students. Program ended with vote of thanks.

Library Day “in the loving memory of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan (father of library science) and World Tourism Day celebration on 27th September 2019

Library day was celebrated on 27th September 2019 in the College Library. Students and Staff from all the faculties were present for this occasion. Dr. V. K. Kamble incharge of Library Committee gave the initial address. Then pratimapujan of Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan was done at the hands of Vice Principal Dr. K.S. Patil, Vice Principal Dr. N. M. Bokil and the members of library committee. Mrs. Yamini Galapure then explained the importance and inception of Library. Dr. K. S. Patil then inaugurated the Book exhibition on this occasion. The theme of the book exhibition was Competitive Examination books and books on travel & tourism. The library committee had arranged a book review competition and the prize winners were felicitated for the same. Vice Principal Dr. K. S. Patil shared the journey of Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan and explained with proper life experiences. The programme ended with a vote of thanks by Mr. G. T. Ahire.

Library Day “in the loving memory of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan (father of library science) and World Tourism Day celebration
Library Day “in the loving memory of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan (father of library science) and World Tourism Day celebration
Library Day “in the loving memory of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan (father of library science) and World Tourism Day celebration
Library Day “in the loving memory of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan (father of library science) and World Tourism Day celebration
Library Day “in the loving memory of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan (father of library science) and World Tourism Day celebration
Library Day “in the loving memory of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan (father of library science) and World Tourism Day celebration
Library Day “in the loving memory of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan (father of library science) and World Tourism Day celebration

The college bagged Over all championship trophy at North Regional Youth Festival of SNDT Women’s University(Music, Dance & Theatre)

The college bagged Over all championship trophy at North Regional Youth Festival of SNDT Women’s University. In all the three major events viz . Music, Dance and Theatre the college won all the individual and group event prizes!!!! The entire team of SMRK – BK -AK Mahila Mahavidyalaya is entitled for the grand finale of University’s Youth Festival which will be held at Mumbai.